Windows & Doors

Our full scope of handyman service includes repair or replacement of your windows and doors.

Wood Window Restoration and Repairs

Double Hung Wood Window Restoration is an effective and often superior alternative to replacement windows. This entails:

  • balancing the hidden counter weights with the sashes
  • replacing ropes with copper plated steel chains
  • installing spring bronze weather stripping
  • lubricating pulleys
  • installing new mahogany parting beads
  • fine tuning, and making any additional necessary repairs

Upon completion of our window restorations, your windows will work better than when they were new. Combined with good storm windows, they will provide weather insulation comparable to replacement windows

In addition to a full window restoration, we can perform all of the most common window repairs: stuck windows; broken sash cords; missing latches; rotted window frames; damaged wood sashes.”

Replacement Windows

We understand that some folks have a preference for replacement windows, and we have the necessary experience to perform these installations. There are also instances when a double hung window is beyond repair, and our recommendation will be to install a replacement window. There are a variety of options; we will be glad to discuss.

Interior and Exterior Door Repairs

In our twenty years of experience, there is hardly a type of door or door hardware repair we have not encountered. The repairs we perform include: doors that are stuck, won’t close or latch; doors that scrape the floor; inoperable door knobs; loose hinges; and failed pocket doors.

Door Installations

We are experienced in a variety of door installations: replacing severely damaged single doors; installing french doors; replacing pocket doors; installing storm doors.

Contact us to get your doors and windows working properly.